
Drop Into The Bowl with Honeycomb


The Gig

Honeycomb was looking for a way to promote the return of their classic BIG honey taste and engage active Tweens (ages 9-12) across Canada, in both the Summer and Winter seasons. Based on the insight that many Tweens gravitate to action sports to feel like BIG kids, FRC developed the Drop Into the Bowl (DITB) campaign as a nod to both skate and snowboard culture (BIG air, BIG tricks). Partnering with ski hills and summer festivals, the DITB tour stopped at 20+ locations with our branded truck, trailer, inflatable tent, BIG Bowl photo op and custom sticker-making machine, where kids could create personalized stickers to put on their boards and helmets. In the process, FRC exceeded sampling targets by over 50% - no BIGgie.


The Goods

Program Ideation / Strategy

Activation Production

Graphic Design

Contract Negotiation


Tour Routing

Crankworx-Activation 2019-10-01 at 1.36.33 PM.png
Crankworx-Activation 2019-10-01 at 12.14.34 PM.png
Crankworx-Activation 2019-10-01 at 2.45.28 PM.png